Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Business Strategy of British Airways

As per the Annual Report, 2009, the primary vital goal of the BA this year is to become ‘the world’s driving worldwide premium airline’. A couple of principle procedures of British Airways are distinguished; initially, BA need to guarantee that clients get one of a kind premium assistance at whatever point they fly with BA and regardless of where they are, for instance, they might want to improve the Terminal 5’s offices and different parlors in various air terminals. Furthermore, new delivered will be propelled, for example, new airplane, update long haul’s flight business class situates and overhaul First class lodge. In conclusion, BA needs to work intimately with BAA so as to improve stuff and promptness at Heathrow Airport and to keep up their great notoriety among client, and keep being the main carrier in London (BA Annual Report, 2009). English Airway External Environment Analysis Porter’s Five Forces In request to have a well †arranged improvement of association future system, it is essential to examination the rivalries inside the business, which might be threaten to the business. Doorman (1980) built up a structure and proposed five powers that may influence the level of rivalry with different contenders. These five powers are the danger of new participants to the business; the danger of substitute items; the intensity of purchasers or clients; the intensity of provider and competition among organizations in the business (Johnson, Scholes, Whittington, 2008). Contention among contenders Serious Rivalry BA is confronting an extremely high serious contention, as ongoing years, higher rivalry among the short take flights, spending carrier, for example, Easyjet and Ryanair have been well known, the old-set up carriers, for example, Virgin Atlantic and Cathy Pacific have likewise been in a high market rivalry, as indicated by Shaw (2004), they nearly utilized similar models of airplanes. Likewise the legislature has an exacting control on the frequencies and the planning of the flight opening, and furthermore severe estimating strategy. Hence, notoriety of the aircrafts turns out to be progressively significant for the clients to be steadfast.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Political Theories Of Locke And Hobbes Essays - Empiricists

The Political Theories Of Locke And Hobbes Essays - Empiricists The Political Theories Of Locke And Hobbes Political Theories of Locke and Hobbes John Locke affected Western political idea tremendously. He lived during the period of political change, the Glorious Revolution. During this time, the Tories and the Whigs, Englands initial two ideological groups, combined to free their nation of the domineering James II and invited as their new co-rulers his little girl, Mary, and her Dutch spouse, William. Locke saw these occasions from the Netherlands, where he had fled in 1683 on the grounds that he predicted the promotion of the absolutist and Catholic-inclining James II. These occasions significantly affected his political speculations. All through his compositions, Locke contended that individuals had the endowment of reason. Locke thought they had the characteristic capacity to administer themselves and to take care of the prosperity of society. He composed, The condition of nature has a law of nature to administer it, which treats everybody similarly. Reason, which is that law, shows all mankindthat being all equivalent and free, nobody should hurt another in his life, wellbeing or assets. Locke didn't accept that God had picked a gathering or group of individuals to run nations. He dismissed the Divine Right, which numerous lords and sovereigns used to legitimize their entitlement to run the show. Rather, he contended that administrations should just work with the assent of the individuals they are overseeing. Thusly, Locke upheld vote based system as a type of government. Locke composed, We have gained from history we have motivation to reason that every single tranquil start of government have been laid in assent of the individuals. Governments were shaped, as per Locke, to ensure the privilege to life, the privilege to opportunity, and the privilege to property. Their privileges were supreme, having a place with all the individuals. Locke likewise accepted that administration force ought to be separated similarly into three parts of government so legislators won't face the compulsion to get a handle on at supreme force. On the off chance that any legislature manhan dled these rights as opposed to securing them, at that point the individuals reserved the privilege to renegade and structure another administration. John Locke stood up against the control of any man without wanting to. This control was adequate neither as an uncalled for government, nor in subjugation. Locke composed, The normal freedom of man is to be liberated from any prevalent force on earth, and not to be under the will or administrative authority of man, yet just have the law of nature for his standard. Likewise, Locke felt that ladies had the capacity to reason, which qualified them for an equivalent voice-a disagreeable thought during this time ever. In spite of expecting that he may be controlled, he composed, It may not be right to offer new thoughts when the old customs are adept to lead men into botches, as this thought of paternal powers most likely has done, which appears to be so anxious to put the intensity of guardians over their youngsters completely in the dad, as though the mother had no offer in it: while on the off chance that we counsel reason or the Bible, we will discover she has an equivalent title. Thomas Hobbes, then again, had a totally unique perspective on people and how government should work. This is because of his experience of experiencing childhood in England, during a period of strict, social, and political disagreement. Hobbes, was exceptionally intrigued by why individuals permitted themselves to be controlled and what might be the best type of government for England. In 1651, Hobbes composed his most well known work, entitled Leviathan. In it, he contended that individuals were normally mischievous and couldn't be trusted to oversee. Along these lines, Hobbes accepted that a flat out government an administration that gave all capacity to a ruler or sovereign was ideal. Hobbes accepted that people were fundamentally childish animals who might improve their position. Left to themselves, he figured, individuals would follow up on their shrewd driving forces. As per Hobbes, individuals consequently ought not be trusted to settle on choices all alone. What's more, Hobbes felt that countries, similar to individuals, were childishly roused. To Hobbes, every nation was in a steady fight for influence and riches. To demonstrate his point, Hobbes composed, If men are normally in a condition of war,

Friday, August 21, 2020

Socrates Conception of Law and Justice

Socrates’ theory affected moving intuition from essential logical standards to issues that would fulfill the spirit. Plato, one of his understudies, recorded a considerable lot of Socrates’ lessons. Socrates was conceived in Athens. This is where he lived and where he concocted a large portion of his thoughts. An extraordinary scholar put together his origination of equity with respect to the guideline: â€Å"The man who is acceptable is just†.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Socrates’ Conception of Law and Justice explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Socrates upheld the possibility that equity was acceptable, and that implied that unfairness was equivalent to insidious. Besides, he accentuated that great was a characteristic deed and not what man thinks he needs. Furthermore, he said that a person’s nature was an internal identity that required satisfaction, accordingly the craving to do great was characteri stic. Giving the clarification of connection among great and equity, Socrates introduced the case of an evil looking for treatment, and who gets a fix and, is at long last upbeat. He likewise gives the case of another man, who is totally solid and is, in this way, more joyful. The point he makes here is that equity is the remedy for abhorrent, and that a man who never submits a malicious deed don't should be rebuffed, and subsequently, more joyful than a man rebuffed for his wrongdoings (Vlastos 300). Socrates clarifies the job of equity in man’s life by expressing that men ought to do mischief to foes when they are malicious, and be simply to the individuals who are acceptable. He, in any case, doesn't acknowledge this chain of considerations, as, as per his conviction, doing mischief to others makes more damage to ourselves. This was the start of the idea that individual ought not hurt anybody, even his foes. Socrates likewise clarifies that men fall into delights of doing damage to the individuals who hurt them as opposed to being simply. Summarizing his concept of equity, Socrates pronounces that to be a poor man who is simply is better than being a rich man with riches gained through treachery, since bad form corrupts the spirit. In the Crito, there is an exchange among Socrates and Crito in Socrates’ jail cell. Socrates was anticipating for his execution, yet Crito notes Socrates’ quietness, his quiet way, and his absence of dread before the essence of the passing. This prompts a discussion, in light of the fact that Crito helped Socrates’ departure, and he contends that tolerant passing would be an extraordinary triumph of his foes. He additionally includes that Socrates was answerable for the instruction of youngsters and couldn't desert them as vagrants. In his reaction, Socrates demands that reason will manage his choices dissimilar to the majority that are subject to irregular goes about as a guide. He asks Crito what the laws state about his break, and he continues to express that the Laws state that a resident’s position in reference to the district resembled a kid in reference to the parent, or like a captive to his master.Advertising Looking for article on theory? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More He clarifies that he made an arrangement with the Laws by staying in the city and profiting by it, and that he couldn't presently censure it on the premise that he was shamefully blamed. He further expresses that the Laws contend that he acknowledged to comply with the law by staying in Athens in the wake of having accomplished development and raised a family inside the city dividers. Socrates discloses to Crito that he doesn't concur with the Law’s contention, yet inquires as to whether they ought to acknowledge it, and Crito says that they should. This brings the discussion, and afterward Socrates is executed. We can summarize So crates’ origination of law and equity in the Crito, and the Apology as the comprehension of what is acceptable methods, and that tolerant law as equity is significant on the grounds that we acknowledge the law that oversees us, and by living in the law’s purview, we are exposed to its usage. Works Cited Vlastos, Gregory. Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher. US of America: Cambridge University Press, 1991. This article on Socrates’ Conception of Law and Justice was composed and put together by client Joslyn Carver to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Federal Reserve Bank Of Chicago Essay Example Pdf - Free Essay Example

The Chicago Federal Reserve Bank is established as a Reserves Banks out of 12 Federal Reserve Banks in United State. Chicago Fed is established to serve a specific region of United State, to build up a sound banking system and a health economy of the country. It is being established to serve the Seventh Federal Reserve District which includes Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin. The head office of the Chicago Fed is located at Chicago, Illinois while the branch bank is located at Detroit, Michigan. Besides that, the Seventh District served many important economic sectors in the country. All of the state of Iowa, 68 countries of northern Indiana, 50 countries of northern Illinois, 68 countries of southern Michigan and another 46 countries of southern Wisconsin are being covered by the Seventh District. It has shown that the Chicago Fed hold a very important role in maintaining and creating a health economy of United State. The Chicago Fed is executed by Charles L. Evans who is currently holding the position as the president the Chicago Fed. He is a white European and has married and has two children. He has been appointed as the president of the Chicago Bank in September of 2007. Besides that, in the same year, he is also become the chief executive officer of the Chicago Fed. He is the ninth president for the Chicago Fed. Besides that, he also serves on th e Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), which is the branch under the Federal Reserve Board that determines the direction of the monetary policy and manages the inflation in the economy. As an important role in the Chicago Fed, Charles L. Evans understands his responsibility to the countrys economy growth. He has to overview the work carrying out by about 1400 employees in the Chicago and Detroit who are appointed to do the economic research, provide payment services to commercial banks and the Government and to outlook the performance of financial institution. Furthermore, he is a director of research and senior vice president who is responsible in supervising the Banks processes on monetary policy which can influence the economic situation indirectly before he is appointed to become the president. Lastly, he is a good representative of the Chicago Fed as he is very active in the civic community. Then, the building of the Chicago Fed is located at the corner of LaSalle Street an d West Jackson Boulevard in the center of Chicagos financial district. It is being built up in 1922 by the architects who are responsible in developing many of the citys architectural landmarks- Graham, Anderson, Probst and White. The designed the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicagos landmark building by following the traditional style of other reserve banks. Besides that, a renovation of the Visitors Center is undergoing in order to create a mysterious image of the Chicago Fed and to improve service provided to the customers. Furthermore, the design of the building will give customers confidences in keeping money with them because it has been designate to insure a sound monetary system. In 2001, a Money Museum is introduced to the public by the Chicago Fed. The Money Museum provides the information on how the Federal Reserve does in order to maintain a healthy and growing economy. The Money Museum is designed in a 5600-square-foot space in order to create a space that can attract more visitors to explore the role of the Federal Reserve. The Chicago Fed is being set up with the vision as to focus on the citizens welfare by providing a good economy situation and financial stability. Besides that, the Federal Reserve Bank needs to provide a efficiency monetary policy which can bring an outcome of stability and integrity of the nations economy situation in order to boost the macroeconomic performance. Besides that, the supervision of the Chicago Fed is conducted through a risk assessment process that is built up by three important components which are risk identification, risk analysis, and risk resolution. The purpose that the Fed used this risk assessment process is to make sure that every institution or nations payment system which attached with a higher risk can be given a more attention so that it can prevent any unwanted consequences. Nevertheless, the Seventh District consists of a reasonable section of the nations manufacturing base which is capital goo ds, consumer durable and production agriculture. It is also recognized as the most populous Bank among all the Federal Reserve Districts because it has comprising one-eighth of the nations population. Besides that, the total asset being hold by the Chicago Fed is ranks at four among the twelve Federal Reserve Banks, which is just followed after the New York, Richmond and San Francisco District. Apart from that, because of its outstanding management, there are more individual banks are operated under the Chicago Fed if compare with other Federal Reserve District. Then, the Seventh District economy has focus in manufacturing industry for more than 50% when compare with the overall manufacturing of the nation. It has produced 30% of the nations light vehicles and also actively participated in construction and farm machinery, medical equipment and steel products. For example, it has produced more than 40% of the nations corn, soybeans and hogs in a particular year. It is also the major dairy and egg producer. There is no doubt that the Chicago Fed has contributed lots to the economy and the community. Last but not least, the Chicago Fed has contributed to the community not only through the economy but also through education. It has organized a lot of events in helping the people around their district such as the event of Illinois Jump$tart Conference. This event will be launching from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on November 15, 2010. The venue for this event will be located at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The purpose of this event is to give out a great chance for citizen to meet with other high school and community college educators. They can obtain tips and training on teaching financial literacy. It is a great opportunity for the people that participate in this event. Lastly, according to the article, the president of the Chicago Fed- Charles L. Evans expects that the economic situation to warrant substantial monetary accommodation in the future. He expec ts that the unemployment rate will continue to be high for a period of time. However, the Federal Reserve Banks will strive to bring a healthy economy to the United State by implementing a suitable policy. He even estimated that maximum sustainable growth in the United States would entail unemployment of about 5 percent, compared with 9.7 percent in February, and core inflation of about 2 percent, compared with 1.3 percent in the year to February. (Subler, 2010 ) 2.5.8 St. Louis Building of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The St. Louis Fed is one of the Federal Reserve Banks which is made up from 12 Federal Reserve Banks. It is also known as St Louis Fed which was established in 1914, just right after the introduction of the Federal Reserve System in 1913. It has been recognized as the Eighth Federal Reserve District and it is being headquartered in St. Louis and has branches in Little rock, Ark., Louisville, Ky., and Memphis, Tenn. Besides that, it is being established to serve all of the Arkansas and portion of six other states which the eastern Missouri, western Kentucky, western Tennessee, , southern Indiana, northern Mississippi and southern Illinois. The Board of Directors of the St. Louis Fed consists of nine members in which six of them are elected by the St. Louis Fed member banks. However, the other three members are being selected by the Board of Governors which formed the Federal Reserve System. Out of the nine members, three directors are bankers while another six are selected to bear f or other responsibilities on their own. Some of them are being required to represent business, labor or consumer interests in the District. Furthermore, the three branches of the Eighth district- Little Rock, Louisville and Memphis have their own board consisting of seven members. The job of the director is mainly focus on directing members in the general operations and then give the comments or actions which are useful for the development of the economic conditions with their areas. The president of the St. Louis Fed is James Bullard. He enjoys exercise such as bicycling or playing tennis when he is free. He is married and his wife is Jane Callahan. they have already owned two daughters. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in quantitative methods and information systems and economics from St. Cloud State University in St. Cloud, Minn., and a doctorate in economics from Indiana University in Bloomington. (FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of ST. LOUIS, n.d) He joined the St. Louis Fed as a position of an economist in the Research division in 1990 and holding a nice position of increasing responsibility. He gets involved in the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) which can be considered as the Federal Reserves principal monetary policymaking body. He was just a deputy director in conducting and carrying out the monetary analysis before he was appointed as a president. He was being appointed to be the president and also, he is also being appointed as a chief executive officer of St. Louis Fed in April, 2008. His responsibility is to direct the activities of the Banks head office in St. Louis and also the three branches under the St. Louis Fed which is located at Little Rock, Ark., Ky., Memphis, Tenn. and Louisville. There are a total amount of 1129 employees in the Eighth District that are under control of him which is a sum of 951 employees from St. Louis, 6 employees from Little Rock, 9 employees from Louisville and 163 employees from Memphis. Thereby, he holds a gre at responsibility in controlling its management team as a president. The building of the St. Louis Fed is named as The Robert A. Young Federal Building, which can also be called as the RAY building. It is located at Spruce Street, St. Louis. It was being set up in year 1931. Besides that, it has a tall which can be compared as 20 stories tall which can provides a wide area of spaces for the federal agencies. The building is actually a warehouse for the Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis before the federal government acquired it in 1941. It is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. (Robert A. Young Federal Building, n.d) As the eighth among all the Federal Reserve banks in the Fed System, the St. Louis Fed has focus more on how to boost up the Americas economy. There is a division in the Federal Reserve System which is used to supervising the banking institution in US. The division is named as the St. Louis Feds Banking Supervision and Regulat ion Division. Besides that, there are a lot of financial institution are under supervising of it such as bank holding companies, state member banks and financial holding companies. The St. Louis Fed emphasize five most-critical functions which are promote stable prices and economic growth, foster a sound financial system, provide payment services to financial institutions, support the U.S Treasurys financial operations and well economic knowledge, community enhancement and ease access to borrowing. In order to achieve their functions, they has tried their best to provide a better off environment for sustainable economic growth which is comes along with a reasonable inflation. At 1960s, it has been denominated as the center of the nations inflation controller. Besides that, St. Louis Fed is responsible to make sure that the currency circulated within its District is high-quality and authentic. Furthermore, nine lines of business in the District were operated under St. Louis Fed in or der to help to sustain the demands of U.S citizen and Government which is making the payment transaction and managing their cash or debt in an efficient way.. Lastly, the Eighth District is being viewed as the nations central in the process of making the transaction for checks such as Treasury checks. All of these have pointed out how important the St. Louis Fed is toward the U.S. Government and America people. In year 2000, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis have been brought together and agreed with the way to consolidate their automated clearinghouse (ACH) transactions. Electronic paycheck deposits are one of the examples of automated clearinghouse activities that is carrying out by the Federal Bank. Besides that, electronic payments of bills can also be considered as one of the example of ACH. The example for the electronic payment of bills is consumer insurance premiums. Moreover, In year 2001, the rewarded that got by the St. L ouis Fed which is the Treasury Relations and Support Office has assisted the bank to become a more powerful coordinator in the whole Federal Reserve Systems financial services. Besides that, the St. Louis Fed has also gained the benefit through the reward which is enabling it to provide the services to largest user. Those services that carried out by the Fed have helped the U.S. Treasury to achieve its goals in a more effective way. So, what are the services that provided by the St. Louis Fed? The example of the services are helping the Government to manage their fund, supporting federal debt collections by creating new software, and supporting the transaction of U.S. Treasury securities. According to the article, James Bullard, who is the present president of St. Louis Fed has expressed that unemployment is expanding rapidly, with a condition that the inflation rate has attach with more risk than original. He also showed concern to the idea that the recession implies that the ou tput gap is currently quite large, minimizing the risk of inflation. He also proposed a different framework for how U.S. monetary policy could be implemented in the future using interest on reserves held at the Fed in helping to maintain the health of the economy. (Frommherz, 2009)ÂÂ  Lastly, the journal written by the Laurence J. Kotlikoff stated how the U.S fiscal institution contributed to secure the nations economic situation in the future. It shows the importance of the fiscal institution in implementing any policies to eliminate the nations enormous fiscal gap and avert bankruptcy. (KotliKoff, 2006) Either the article or the journal has strongly prove that its important to have a strong financial institution such as the Federal Reserve Bank in maintaining the wealth of the country. 2.5.9 Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis TheÂÂ  Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank which is categorized as Ninth Federal Reserve District among all the Federal Reserve Banks which was incorporated on May 18, 1914. It is also known as Minneapolis Fed which has one branch in Helena, Montana. There have six states that are fallen under the executive of Minneapolis Fed. The six states include of Minnesota, Montana, North and South Dakota, 26 counties in northwestern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. There are about 8.8 million people are staying in the Ninth District and it stretches 1800 miles in that area. It covers 409291 square miles and is considered as home for those 8.8 million of people. However, although there is about 12 percent of the nations land is within this area, but there are only consist of 3 percent of the nations population stays in this region. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis holds a great responsibility to its people who stay in the Ninth District. Therefore, it has participated in mo netary policymaking in order to supervise numerous banking organizations, and provides a bundle of services such as payment services or consultation to the financial institutions and the U.S. government. . On October 1, 1914, the Federal Reserve Board appointed John H. Rich to be Minneapolis Federal Reserve Agent. He is a banker as known as businessman who has received a lot of rewards. Theodore Wold has been selected to become the chief administrative officer after tge first meeting carried out by the executive committee on October 14-15, 1914. Since he has hold the position as a Governor, he has tried his best to coordinate the work such as controlling and directing the Feds staff especially during the period of World War I. John H. Rich, Theodore Wold , Roy Young , John R. Mitchell , William B. Geery , John N. Peyton , John N. Peyton and Oliver S. Powell were the former president of Minneapolis Fed during year 1914-1957. Frederick L. Deming is the president during year 1957-19 65; Hugh D. Galusha, Jr. took the place as a president during year 1965-1971; Bruce K. MacLaury became the president during year 1971-1976; Mark H. Willes was appointed to become the president during year 1977-1980; E. Gerald Corrigan during year 1980-1984 and Gary H. Stern was the last president during year 1985-2009 before the current president Narayana Kocherlakota was appointed to become the president for the Minneapolis Fed on Oct. 8, 2009. He is the12th president of the Minneapolis Fed. Besides that, he was born on Oct. 12, 1963 and originated from Baltimore, Maryland. He also serves on the FOMC which represent the policymaking representative of the Federal Reserve System. This FOMC is formulated under the members of the Board of Governors and the 12 presidents from each of the Federal Reserve banks. Apart from that, he holds a position as a professor at the University of Minnesota before becoming as the president o the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. He was a Research st aff member at Minneapolis Fed during year 1996 to year 1998. From the article, it shows the joining of the new president, Narayana Kocherlakota into the Minneapolis Fed. (HILSENRATH WHITEHOUSE, 2009) The building of the Minneapolis Fed is located at the heart of the Minneapolis CBD, which is just right opposite to the historic City Hall Building. This building was designed and built by Ton Regan who formed and led the development team which won the GSA design/build competition to develop the Minneapolis Federal Building-US courthouse. The whole building was 41000 square foot in its size. The complex includes a fifteen-story central tower housing the Federal District, Bankruptcy and Magistrate Courts, a six-story wing with office space, and a two-story wing with a cafeteria and public plaza.ÂÂ   ( Minneapolis Federal Building US Courthouse, n.d) It also includes a 225-space, below-grade secured garage and a 300-space public garage.ÂÂ   The project involved extensive co ordination among the development team, the Judiciary, GSA and local officials and agencies. The cost to build up the Minneapolis Fed is about $ 100,000,000 and this building is owned by US General Services Administration Washington, D.C. The Minneapolis Fed has a diverse economy which is starting from mining to tourism and then change to agriculture and lastly, involve in technology. The economy is diverse based on each of the part around the district such as western part, center, southeast and eastern part. At the area which is located at the western end of the region, the crucial industries are mainly focus on tourism, timber and metal mining. However, wheat farming and energy mining can be considered as a very crucial industry in the center of that region. It has produced about 31 % of the nations wheat. Then, the districts southeast corner which is part of the Northern Corn Belt is dominated by the corn and soybean farming and light manufacturing activities. Last but not leas t, the Minneapolis/St. Paul which is located at the eastern end of the region has been categorized as the 16th largest area among the nation. It is a center which is highly depends and focuses on the education and high technology manufacturing. Besides that, it can also be considered as the most popular trade and service center within that region. Lastly, the Upper Great Lakes which are located at the far eastern end of the district are dominated by the tourism, timber, dairy farming and metal mining industries. This region produces more than 90% of the nations iron ore. (The Ninth District, n.d) The financial services that are provided by the Minneapolis Fed to those financial institutions are more likely to the services that the banks provided to its customers. For example, the Minneapolis Fed will provide savings or loans, checks collection, funds transferred electronically and cash or coins distribution. It supervises and regulates all the financial institution such as banks in the region of Ninth District. During 2007, there were 18 commercial banks in the Ninth District were consolidated with each other under the well supervision of the Minneapolis Fed. Then, nine new bank charters were issued and no banks failed in the Ninth District. At the end of 2007, there were about 760 commercial banks are operated and under the supervision of the Fed in the Ninth Federal Reserve District. Nevertheless, the banks in the Ninth Federal Reserve District was being distributed as 418 banks in Minnesota (55%), 76 banks in Montana (10%), 96 banks in North Dakota (13%), 85 banks in South Dakota (11%), 63 banks in northwestern Wisconsin (8%), and 22 banks in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (3%). At year end, Ninth District regulated the bank holding companies, with roughly 602 companies being involved in this new regulation. Furthermore, 10% of the banks which are located at Ninth Districts have a total asset which is less than $25 million. 64% have between $25 and $150 million, and a roughly amount of 26% of the districts banks own a total asset of about $150 million. Apart from that, the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank expanded rapidly during World War 1 which owning about 500 employees in 1918. This expansion was due to the Feds responsibility, as an agent for the Treasury Department to issue war bonds. World War I also resulted in a shift in the predominately male work force. By 1918, women comprised about half of the Banks staff. (The Ninth District, n.d) 2.5.10 Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City serves the Tenth Federal Reserve District which was is also known as Kansas City Fed. The Kansas City Fed was incorporated on November 16, 1914 at the R.A. Long Building at 10th and Grand. The Tenth Federal Reserve District covers a large portion of the United States which consists of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Wyoming, the northern half of New Mexico, and the western third of Missouri. Besides that, it has branches in Kansas City, Denver, Oklahoma and Omaha. Firstly, the Kansas City Fed is located in the heart of the Kansas City; at 1 Memorial Drive which is on the west side of Main Street in Kansas City, Missouri. Then, the Denver Branch officially started to provide services on January 14, 1918. It is now under control of Mark C. Snead and it has been categorized as the second largest branch in the District which consists of 170 employees and is located at downtown 16th Street Mall. The Oklahoma branch which is incorporated on A ugust 2, 1920 is now under execution of Chad Wilkerson. This branch is currently located on the corner of Harvey and Third Street. Before the branch was moved to this new building, it is located on the second floor of the Continental Building at the corner of Second and Broadway. The branch was officially moved into the new building in 1923. The objective of the branch in Oklahoma City is to help or supervise all the Oklahoma bank holding companies and their non-bank subsidiaries, and state-chartered banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System. Lastly, the branch office in Omaha is executed by Jason R. Henderson, who is the vice president of the Bank. Furthermore, the Omaha Branch is the oldest branch among all of the three branches under the Tenth District. It was officially opened for providing services on September 4, 1917. The Omaha Branch was first located in the old First national Bank building at 1219 Farnam and being moved to 17th and Dodge Streets in 1925. However, it has officially moved to 2201 Farnam Street, the current branch office in February 1986. Nowadays, the staffs in the Omaha Branch has to hold a several roles which is regional affairs,ÂÂ  public affairs, community affairs, supervision and risk management and support functions.ÂÂ  It is to ensure that the branch office can provide a better service to the banks customers. The Kansas City Fed is currently executed by Thomas M. Hoenig, who is the president and the chief executive officer for the Tenth Federal Reserve District. Besides that, he is also being served as one of the member of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) which is the key body with authority over national monetary policy in the United States. Mr. Hoenig holds a very heavy responsibility towards all the activities happened in Tenth Federal Reserve District because everything happened at there is directing by him. Besides that, he is a native of Fort Madison, Iowa and currently staying in Kansas City . Before becoming as a president, he served the Federal Reserve Bank as an economist in 1973 and was a senior officer in banking supervision during 1980s. He was appointed to be the president on October1, 1991. He is now appointed as the chairman of the Federal Reserve Conference of Presidents; Committee on Regulation, Bank Supervision and Legislation. Lastly, he has been outspoken about the regulation of the financial industry and the role of monetary policy during the recent crisis. (Thomas M. Hoenig, n.d) Nevertheless, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City involved in a lot of researches on the economics and had published it on their website in order for people to have a view on it. The publication of their research includes of economic review, main street economist, research working paper, payment system research briefing, and financial industry perspective. From the Payment Research Departments publication, we can find out that it has covered a wide range of topic includin g types of payments methods, developments in payments networks, and various participants roles in the payments system. Furthermore, according to the journal, it stated the Federal Reserves role in fostering a payment system that is safe, efficient and accessible. That journal has reexamined the role that hold by the Federal Reserve in retail payment in light of the evolving payment system. (Weiner, 2008) However, the principal message that the author wants to express in the article is about that the Federal Reserve will continue to play a crucial role in fostering the payment system but they have to change in order to fight with the changing environment. 2.5.11 Dallas Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas has another name of Eleventh Federal Reserve District which consists of 3 branches which are located at Texas, northern Louisiana and southern New Mexico. It is also known as Dallas Fed which is incorporated in November 16, 1914. Dallas Fed plays an important role in maintaining the sustainable economic growth and financial stability of this region. Besides that, it consists of three branches which are El Paso Branch, Houston Branch and the San Antonio Branch. The El Paso Branch is currently in charged by its vice president, Robert W. Gilmer while the Houston Branch is currently in charged by its senior vice president, Robert Smith III and lastly, the San Antonio Branch is under supervised by its vice president, Blake Hastings. Dallas Fed is located at Pearl Street on the northeast corner of Woodall Rodgers Freeway and Pearl Street in downtown Dallas. The Dallas Fed started to use its new building in September 1992. It was structured in a 17-st orey which has an Indiana limestone exterior. All of the Banks financial operations can be found at the ground floor of the building which can be estimated as six acres, or converted into 250,000 square feet. The area of the ground floor is estimated as equal to a 12-story office building. Besides that, it was designed by three architectural firms which are Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates which comes from New York; Sikes Jennings Kelly Brewer which comes from Houston; and John S. Furthermore, the Dallas Feds art collection comprises contemporary works, including sculpture, oil and acrylic paintings, photographs, lithographs, collages, pen and ink drawings and a sound sculpture. (The Dallas Fed, n.d) These collections can be used in the purpose to represent the expressions of a group of artists from different parts of the world which are Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico. It is designed in the purpose to reflect the regions historical and cultural diversity. The Federal Reserve Bank O rganization committee stated that it will choose 12 cities depends on the resources, location, communication method and transportation utilities. Dallas has been selected as the headquarters of the Feds Eleventh District in April, 1914 with its outstanding quality that fits the requirement of the Reserve Bank Organization. Then, on October 16, 1914, an official meeting of the Dallas Fed was being held for the first time. It is being held in the Directors Room which is located at City National Bank of Dallas. After that, it was opened to start its business on November 16, 1914. At that point of time, Oscar Wells is appointed as the first governor, which is also known as the president of the Dallas Fed and he served the Dallas Fed until 1915. In 1975, the bank introduces its first R.E.I March II which can be considered as a high-speed currency sorting machine. It can be used by sorting the currency automatically through denomination and identify any bad notes. The introduction of this machine is to replace the manual process in sorting and shredding the currency. After the introduction of this machine in Dallas, it has been accepted at Federal Reserve Banks nationwide. Furthermore, the Dallas Fed places its first automated clearinghouse (ACH) payment into the operation in its region during year 1976. Then, in 1980, the Congress passes the Monetary Control Act which allowed the Federal Reserve to set their own prices for the financial services provided by them and enable the non-member institutions to enjoy those services. Therefore, the number of institutions with reserves at the Bank increase aggressively which is from 705 to 3,475 as a result. There are more than 500 financial institutions fail to operating in a well situation in the Eleventh District during 1980 to 1992. However, there is a signal showing that its the beginning of economic recovery in 1990 after the bank failure in that region has bottom out. Nevertheless, the Dallas Fed has moved into a n ew headquarter building at 2200 N. Pearl St. Besides that, it has developed a function which named National Examination Database (NED) which is able to provide all Reserve Banks with sufficient information on financial institutions in 1997. Apart from that, in year 1997, it also processes a risk-based approach which enables every bank to be under supervision by them and then try to decrease the total amount of bank examinations within that region. Furthermore, in 1999, the Dallas Fed has been selected by the US treasury in order to provide three new services to the public which is to operate a consolidated service center for Treasury Direct with the Reserve Banks in Boston and Minneapolis. So, what is a Treasury Direct? It is a program which is launched by the Treasurys Bureau. Then the Treasurys Bureau is originating from the Public Debt. The purpose that this program is being set up is to allow the function of eliminating the brokers or banks when investors intended to buy secu rities. It means that they can buy the securities directly from the Treasury. Secondly, it has been chosen to be the nations central processor for Treasury coupons. Lastly, it was also appointed to control the national Electronic Transfer Account (ETA) program which is created to focus on the customers who are enjoying receiving the payment through check. Apart from that, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas ensures that during year 1999 to 2000, it must achieve a high level of agreement that pay off in an orderly transition. It is all because of the extensive Y2K preparations and good working relationships with financial industry customers. Lastly, in 2005, Richard W. Fisher begins and takes over his responsibility as the Banks 12th president and also being appointed as the chief executive officer of the bank. Then, check processing operations which are launched in the Houston Branch are successfully consolidated to Dallas. Also, the Federal Reserve System stated that the Oklahoma Ci ty Branch will transition its cash services into a cash depot arrangement. Besides that, the Dallas Fed has established a Community Affairs Office that primarily focus on the Federal Reserves goal which is to maintain the sustainable output. It has took a great responsibility in encouraging community and developing the economic somewhere help to boost up the economy at the same time. Besides that, It also promotes a fair access to credit among all the citizen.ÂÂ   They can actually facilitate partnerships and coalitions, organizing and hosting conferences and workshops, writing publications, and conducting research, training and other related activities by doing so.ÂÂ   The Dallas Fed has focused in many areas which include of Affordable housing, CDC nonprofit capacity-building, Community development investment and financing, Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), fair lending, Personal financial education Small business/microenterprise development. (About Community Affair, n.d) According to the article, the Dallas Fed reminds the public that there is no way to understand how badly the economy would have performed without a proper fiscal stimulus and theres no way to show that how many jobs would available without stimulus. The Dallas Fed is always showing its great concern on the citizen by giving out some warning or advice to the citizen among its region. (Durden, 2010) 2.5.12 San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco which represent the Twelfth Federal Reserve District is also known as San Francisco Fed. The Twelfth Federal Reserve District covers nine western states which includes of Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and Washington-Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands. Besides that, San Francisco Fed can be considered as the largest District out of the Twelve Federal Reserve District. So, it has six branch offices in order to well manage this expansive region. Therefore, it has been categorized as the headquarter of all of the Federal Reserve Banks while another five branches are being located at Los Angeles, Phoenix, Portland, Salt Lake City and Seattle. The Twelfth Federal Reserve District consists of a total amount of 1562 employees working under its bank. The 1562 employees are separated among the six branches that are owned by the San Francisco Fed. There are a total amount of 1023 employees are wo rking in the San Francisco branch which representing the headquarter of the District; 306 employees in the Los Angeles branch; 14 employees in Portland branch; 72 employees in Salt Lake City branch; 97 employees in Seattle branch and lastly, 50 employees in Phoenix Processing Center. The branch in Phoenix is named as Cash Processing Center instead of Phoenix branch like others branches under the Twelfth Federal Reserve District. The Twelfth District is considered as the largest region among all the Twelve Federal Reserve Districts due to its coverage of the nations area. It covered nearly 1.3 million square miles, which can also be calculated as 35 percent of the nations area. Besides that, the total population in this District is about 62.4 million of people which is the 20 percent of the total U.S population, employment and personal income in year 2008. Furthermore, the Twelfth District also been ranked first based on the size of its economy. Firstly, the citizen around this re gion earned around 21 percent of the nations total personal income in 2008 due to its large amount of population. Moreover, the export of manufactured goods in this region in 2008 has covered about 21 percent of the total nations exports. Then, in another term, an industry mix mirror thats carrying out by the Twelfth Districts has representing the whole nation. However, apart from that primary industry, the District also used the workers who are holding a large num of shares in order to enhance the economic system. Then, another kind of major sectors such as construction, information, professional and business services, leisure and hospitality, and government. It shows that the District has a diversified economy which can help to maintain and enhance the economy situation in its region. Apart from that, most of the nations leading information technology centers are being located in this District due to its well development. As compare with another district, Twelfth District has adop ted a considerably large share of IT worker as a percentage of total nonfarm workers. Moreover, all of the IT workers in this District have earned an average annual wages more than others workers who performed their skill and knowledge in another area of the nation. The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco is currently executed by Janet L. Yellen, who is being selected to hold the position of the President and Chief Executive Officer in the Bank. She has been selected to represent the San Francisco Fed on June 14, 2004. Besides that, she is also representing as members of the Federal Open Market Committee who fully participate in every meeting and she always bring her perspective toward the Distriction that are fallen under her execution to the policy discussion which is hold at Washington. She showed her responsibility toward the District in a very good manner with her attitude. She has been working in many different areas before she become the president of the Twelfth District . Dr. Yellen decided to take a long leave from Berkeley which is a period of five years from August in year 1994. After that, in 1999, she decided to left the Fed and become the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers. Nevertheless, she also took the position in the Economic Cooperation and Development who is responsible to conduct activities based on a position of the Committee of the Organization for from 1997 to 1999. Formally, she started to join The Group of 30 in September 2009 and becoming a member of it. She also serves on the executive committee of the Bay Area Council and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 2009) She has also taken position in both Western Economic Association and American Economic Association, which is a president for the previous association and as a vice president for the following association. According to the article, it is all about the announcement o f the new president for the Twelfth district, who is Janet L. Yellen. (SUPERVILLE, 2010) Nevertheless, there is a special thing that representing the Twelfth District which is the Murals which are designed by Walter Thomason. He is the artist who is also representing the San Francisco architect and illustrator. There are six murals being created by him where one is specially designed for the District as a whole and another five murals are designed for the separate regional branches. Each of the murals portraying the historical development of each District branch office and been highlighting the special person, events, drawings of the Bank building, other landmarks and economic resources which is significant to that particular area. Besides that, the artist, Walter Thomason also capture the special character of each branches and then melt the murals together to form the Twelfth Federal Reserve District. The original illustration of the murals were originally drawn in pencil and th en has been enlarged to 3 feet by 6 feet by a photographic process which added the sepia tone to enhance the view of the murals. Then, all of the murals which is commissioned by the San Francisco Fed in 1978 has been hang in a non public area of the headquarter building in San Francisco. (Federal Reserve Bank of Bank Francisco, n.d) Lastly, there are some key facts about the Federal Reserve System which is that the Twelfth District has share a total amount of $3.7 billion of the Federal Reserve Systems earning of $38.7 billion. Besides that, about the currency, The Feds Cash Services department processes currency using high speed computer controlled machines which can identify about 1,616 notes in just 1 minute. This well designed machine can well interpreted potential destroys old, worn out notes. (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 2010)

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay On Environmental Pollution - 971 Words

1.1 Environmental Pollution For many centuries, environmental pollution had been a fact of life but it transforms to a real problem when industrial revolution began. Environmental pollution is described to be the contamination of the physical and biological components of the earth/atmosphere system to such an extent that normal environmental processes are adversely affected according to Kemp (1998). Wikipedia (2008) defined Pollution to be an introduction of contaminants into the environment that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or that damage the environment which can come in the form of chemical substances, or energy such as noise, heat or light. Whereas Pollutants can be naturally occurring substances or†¦show more content†¦Improper handling of solid waste and indiscriminate disposal in open spaces, road margins, tank beds, and etcetera, give rise to numerous potential risks to the environment and to human health. Direct health risks mainly concern those working in the field without using proper gloves, uniforms, and etcetera; a high percentage of waste workers and individuals who live near or on disposal sites are infected with gastrointestinal parasites, worms, and related organisms (SWMM, 2000). For the public, the main risks to health are indirect and related to poor water, land, and air quality. In addition, infrequent collection of waste provides an attractive breeding ground for flies and rats (SWMM, 2000). The most obvious environmental damage caused by solid waste is aesthetic, i.e. waste that litter public areas is ugly and smelly. A more serious risk is the transfer of pollution to ground water and land as well as the pollution of air from improper burning of waste. Many waste activities generate greenhouse gases; e.g., landfills generate methane and refuse fleets are significant sources of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. Open burning dumpsites produce volatilised heavy metals (e.g. mercury and lead), dioxins, and furan. Leachate from unlined and uncovered dumpsites contaminates surface and ground waters (Cointreau, 2006). A damaged local environment will first hit the mostShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental Pollution Essays604 Words   |  3 PagesEnvironmental Pollution Our environment is affected by our daily actions. The earth is plagued with land, air and water pollution. Some of the problems we face on earth are: deforestation, nuclear waste, acid rain, global warming, overpopulation and some animals are endangered. Air pollution has many different sources. Power-generated plants, oil refineries, chemical plants, and steel mills contribute to about 140 million tons of pollutants into the air every year. Automobiles accountRead MoreEssay On Environmental Pollution706 Words   |  3 PagesThe environmental pollution history is as old as life itself. 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Introduction Environmental pollution is a severe problemRead MoreEssay about Environmental Pollution1267 Words   |  6 Pages Environmental Pollution ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION Automobiles like these are around the world everyday, and their exhaust destroys our air everyday. Our environment is a major aspect of our life today. Many of us dont take our Earth seriously and think that as long as pollution doesnt hurt them they can go ahead and throw garbage on the ground or spill oil down the drain. Well to many people have that theory and they are killing off our Earth and also physically harming themselves from the airRead MoreEnvironmental Pollution: Change In The Air Essay1194 Words   |  5 Pages(Pb) are emitted in to the atmosphere annually (USDOE). We certainly know enough about the atmosphere to be asking the right questions. How fast could the ozone layer rebuild with a decline in ozone depleting gases? How does regional pollution affect the global climate? What are the sources and sinks of green house gases in the atmosphere? In 2002 the worlds leading ozone scientists mounted a global study of the atmosphere. Lead by NASA, NOAA, and the World MeteorologicalRead MoreEnvironmental Problems: Air Pollution Essay2135 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction: Air pollution is among the critical challenges facing modern societies and is one of the most pressing environing mental problems. Air pollution is accountable for major harmful effects on human strength, animal survives, natural ecosystems and the man-made environment. It is also responsible for climate change due to the improved greenhouse effect, acid rain, and the reduction of the ozone layer that inaugurate important global environmental problems. Air pollution occurs both outdoorsRead MoreEnergy Crisis and Environmental Pollution Essay example1488 Words   |  6 PagesEnergy crisis and environmental pollution are highlighted to be one of the major global problems in the 21st century. For the past 200 years, human society has had a ravenous appetite for fossil fuels. The huge increase in human population and also the industrial revolution were the major sources of fossil fuel consumption. However it is becoming obvious that our dependence on fossil fuels is causing many problem s that we are going to have to address. Therefore, our greatest challenge is to findRead MoreEnvironmental Pollution Simulation Review and Summary Essay1091 Words   |  5 PagesEnvironmental Pollution Simulation Review and Summary Environmental Pollution Simulation Review and Summary In the simulation â€Å"Managing Environmental Concerns and Resources,† the scenario took place in Eastern Europe, in a Casadonia city named Keywich. The main concern of Keywich’s City Council is the increasing population of the town and the negative effects it can have on the economy, environment, culture and society. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should Health Care Providers Recommend A Vegan Diet For...

A Plant-Based Diet as a Prescriptive Measure: Should Health Care Providers Recommend A Vegan Diet to High-Risk Patients For the Prevention or Treatment of Non-Communicable or Chronic Diseases? David Arthur, MS, PA-S The term non-communicable disease refers to set of chronic, slowly progressing, long-duration illnesses that are not infectious and are responsible for more deaths globally than any other cause.1 In 2011, in most high and middle-income countries, non-communicable diseases were responsible for more deaths than all other causes combined.1 These same chronic diseases are also referred to as lifestyle diseases by some practitioners, as they are recognized as having lifestyle choice as primary risk-factors, and possibly, treatment modalities centered around lifestyle modification.2 The four primary non-communicable diseases, as identified by the World Health Organization, are cardiovascular disease, malignant neoplasm, respiratory disease, and diabetes mellitus.3 The power of lifestyle choices to effectively address some of the most vexing chronic diseases of our time is well established.4 Adherence to four healthy lifestyle tenets—not smoking, not being obese, getting at least thi rty minutes of moderate activity per day, and eating a diet consisting primarily of vegetables, fruit, and whole grains, may have the net effect of addressing the primary sources of disease and death in western society.4 Strictly adhering to each of these healthy lifestyle choicesShow MoreRelatedHsm 542 Week 12 Discussion Essay45410 Words   |  182 Pagessurrounding issues of procreation, develop an institutional policy, which can be applied to the range of treatment and research issues related to procreation. | C | Given the mandate for advance directives, informed consent, and the legal obligation to report, illustrate the application of these concepts in a specific area or setting, e.g., psychopharmacology, dementia, long-term care, acute care, home-care, etc. | | Click on the links in the Topics section to view the discussion topics. Then, click

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Creating Safe Spaces

Question: Analyse what workplace should be and thorough exploration of an example that of a safe or for that matter unsafe space, and also offer recommendations for improvement of the welfare of the space where applicable. Answer: 1. Introduction: 1.1 Background: Cultural awareness is the very foundation of the communication process which entails over the faculty of being aware and observant of various cultural values and beliefs and perceptions. It becomes a focal point when interactions happen between different individuals and evaluate things in diverse practices. Being aware of the rather complex cultural dynamics is not something which is conscious to everybody (Flanja, 2016). 1.2 Scope: The experiences which individuals inculcate on a daily basis along with value system help them to see and do things in a specific pattern. In the light of globalization, and increased diversity in the workplace along with multicultural and multi-ethnic dimensions coming to the fray, cultural awareness has become an essential tool in the industry. 1.3 Aim: The following account bears in-depth analysis of what workplace should be and thorough exploration of an example that of a safe or for that matter unsafe space, and also offer recommendations for improvement of the welfare of the space where applicable. This report aims to delve in the essence of cultural diversity in the light of the selected video clip to portray the subtleties of humour and resistance and uptight attitude of abiding by cultural multifarious aspects. 2. Summary of video clip: The video clip is taken from the BBC Great Comedy series, The Office, in which an employee named Gareth consistently refuses to understand a practical joke or office humor played on him by a co-worker or colleague, named Philip. The joke centres on the supposed immersion of Gareths stapler by Philip in some edible jelly. When Gareth is furious and askes his manager David Brent and Solomon to discipline Philip, they, specially his manager, deals with the situation smoothly by cracking a few jokes and pacifying both the employees. Later, Gareth tries to make up for his smugness by retorting that he didnt want office equipment to be damaged ("Gareth's Stapler - The Office - BBC", 2016). When interviewed, onscreen, he says that he dislikes workplace humor and gives a further demonstration of his uptight attitude by plainly refusing Philip his stapler. Philip, to teach him a lesson, throws the stapler out of the office window and says that it was Gareth who propelled him to do this act. 3. Summary of literature: The literature encompasses a series of articles written by eminent authors who have not only compiled a series of quotations of culture and cultural studies by prominent names in the field but also has self-analysed their personal hermeneutical situation including studying humor in multicultural British society through the ages. Nevertheless, the literature that is most of the relevance here are Sigmund Freuds The Joke and Its Relation to the Unconscious which pioneered the modern scientific study of the psychology of humour and its interpretation, misinterpretation and its relationships with the unconscious, social structures of power and their transgression which forms the core essence of jokes and funniness (Villarouco et al., 2012). 3.1 History and analysis of Humour: Much of western civilization has been concerned with jokes and humor in classical antiquity; comedy was essentially viewed as inferior to poetry and tragedy, but nevertheless, it revelled in satirizing prominent persons, enemies, and hierarchical power structures. Jokes and humor influence our daily lives in multicultural societies. Specialists have studied their effects when subjects of diverse cultures and lifeworlds encounter and blend with each other. In modern day office parlance, often multiculturalism is not the only factor that goes into misinterpretation of practical jokes. In the middle ages, comedy was much derided, and laughter was considered an instrument of the Devil. However, the middle ages also had a carnivalesque aspect and apparently abject and gross versions are found in many great names of the era (Holley Steiner, 2016). With the renaissance in Europe, comedy and satire regained their lost places that had once allotted to them in antiquity. With the advent of mo dernity, and the European enlightenment, laughter, humor and comedy became a staple recipe of western writing cultures. One of the first exercises in comedy in the scientific study of comedy was made by the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. Since then, the serious study and usage of comedy and humor, in their many guises has been a staple of western writing and intellectual faculty. States of mind and previous job occupational training are also relevant constructs in giving rise to sign system in which people sometimes fail to understand the epistemological praxis of the other (Villarouco et al., 2012). 3.2 Cultural self-awareness: To understand and appreciate various discursive structures belonging to a variety of cultural lifeworlds and mediated by the praxis of the immersed human subjects, it becomes relevant to realize the characteristics of the terminology culture. This realization is fundamental to distinguish and identify safe spaces in culture. The appreciation of culture is significant in all facets of various forms of societies- from overcoming communication hurdles to the discernment of socio-politico-cultural lifeworlds. There are three primary essentials that underlie the groundwork of what is better known as cultural self-awareness and are formed within a culture (Oatey, 2016). These three fundamentals include behaviour, experience, and knowledge. The itinerary of cultural intelligence can only be started by one in appreciating and undergoing cultural self-awareness. Cultural intelligence assumes obvious proportions in a spectrum of situations where one is unfamiliar with the particular ambiance. Sudden and anxiety causing culture shock can take place when journeying in a different country than ones own, or when employed with specific groups of individuals who are much dissimilar regarding age, expertise, knowledge and competence. When one fails to comprehend the diverse interpersonal abilities and semiotic markers such as body language, facial expressions and tone of voice or for that matter one feels like a "fish out of the water. Subsequently, one would start to undergo the four stages of culture shock that is, The Honeymoon stage, the crisis stage, the recovery stage and the complete adjustment stage (Quappe Cantatore, 2016). 4. Observations/description of video: The video clip that of BBC Great Comedy sequence, The Office, it is observed that Gareth unswervingly fails to decipher the joke or sarcasm being played on him. Philip is the other character associated with the scheme of things. The incident, in particular, focuses on the presence of a stapler as the visual hook that leverages the visual discourse of the clip. Here, it is interesting to note that Gareths name is inscribed on the stapler and thus indicating his ownership over the same ("Gareth's Stapler - The Office - BBC", 2016). The stapler acts as a logocentric sign which by its presence fuels a heated exchange between Gareth and his colleague, named Philip. Although Gareth had already mentioned that the stapler belongs to him yet, he fails to decipher the subtle nuances in the practical joke played by Philip on him. Gareth, due to his previous experience of being in the Territorial Army, experts more discipline in the workplace and even fails to perceive why David smooths the situ ation. 5. Discussion: In the video clip, Gareth's journey to cultural intelligence is thwarted by his stubborn refusal to get culturally self-aware. The visual discourse of the clip is elucidated in the table below. Scene Number/ Time frame Physical factors Communication factors Inclusion/ Exclusion signs Display/ lack of Cultural Intelligence Clip from Gareths Stapler-The Office-BBC (2.36 minutes) Light colors are used in costumes and camera filters to emphasize the formality, yet light-hearted office ambiance. A stapler is used as a semiotic marker to metaphorically represent Gareths uptight and stiff approach ("Gareth's Stapler - The Office - BBC", 2016). An uncomfortable silence and lack of direct eye contact are used due to the creation of an awkward situation by Gareth's misinterpretation of the practical joke. David cracks joke to ease the situation and the awkwardness of the situation is evident through eye and body movement. The Stapler has Gareth's name on it, and Philip's symbolic action of throwing it outside the window marks Gareth's exclusive nature. It is noteworthy that misinterpreting of a harmless practical joke, and nursing the grudge by not letting Philip borrow it, Gareth all the more marks himself as an outsider in a friendly office environment. Lack of cultural intelligence is obvious in Gareth as he remains stubborn in his position refusing to educate himself culturally from the previous experience. 6. Recommendations: Sociological and cultural studies of humour have primarily centred on jokes as a deliberate and possible imaginary that by its very essence of transgressing any social or for that matter cultural taboo, makes fun of it but also subconsciously reinstates it all the more. Although this previous view mostly stemmed from Freud, semioticians later have decoded the complex constructs of various sociocultural and institutional discourses to analyse how jokes and humour go into undermining, criticizing and sometimes reinstating the same. As Gareth endangers his stakes in the office and marks himself as an uptight outsider who still adheres to the nature of his previous workplace in the army, he naturally fails to be marked as an insider in the office ambiance. It is highly recommendable that Gareth shed his inhibitions about working in a friendly environment and becomes culturally intelligent enough to blend in. Furthermore, he is ought to appreciative of the subtle aspects of office humor t hat is prevalent in such environments. The office would be much safer and culturally inductive place if Gareth could be more flexible and begin the journey of cultural self-awareness to attain cultural intelligence in his overall approach. 7. Conclusion: Humour has always been a significant facet of cultural discourses in society, by and large. The overall analysis depicts the key issues of the lack of cultural intelligence and its implications in an office environment. Here, Gareths Stapler is selected as a semiotic indicator to mark his position as an outsider in a friendly office environment. The clip from the office portrays how a friendly environment may turn out to be otherwise if one is not in culturally self-aware and hence culturally intelligent. A safe space in the office environs can only be realized if one begins the culturally educative itinerary to positively mould ones praxis to the specific occupational life world. The overall analysis of the nuances of humour and multicultural ethnic elements embedded in cultural dimensions of office environment puts forth the fact that joke and wittiness are existent in organizational perspective and the same may be observed in best of spirits. References: Flanja, D. (2016). Culture shock in intercultural communication. Retrieved 30 May 2016, Gareth's Stapler - The Office - BBC. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 30 May 2016, from Holley, L. Steiner, S. (2016). Safe space: student perspectives on classroom environment. Retrieved 30 May 2016, Oatey, H. (2016). What is Culture?. Retrieved 30 May 2016, Quappe, S. Cantatore, G. (2016). What is Cultural Awareness, anyway? How do I build it?. Retrieved 30 May 2016, Villarouco, V., Soares, M., Costa, A. P. L., Andreto, L. (2012). Evaluation of a work space based on an ergonomic design methodology of the built environment. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 13(2), 203-224.