Thursday, February 27, 2020

A good leader Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A good leader - Research Paper Example Later in his adulthood, Lincoln moved to Illinois where he undertook various jobs including that of a postmaster, shopkeeper and surveyor. He joined politics, serving the Illinois legislature between 1834 and 1836, and later becoming an attorney. Lincoln married Mary Todd in 1842 with whom they raised four sons (White 9). In the 1850s, Lincoln went back to politics at a time of great concern over slavery in America. Leading the Republican Party, Lincoln was considered as being politically moderate. Though he lost the senatorial race in 1858, he stood out as a strong politician. In 1860, he won the presidency by about 400,000 popular votes, also carrying the Electoral College. He was re-elected into presidency in 1864 where he encouraged Southerners to drop their weapons and join in a reunion. An actor, John Wikes Booth, assassinated Lincoln on the Good Friday of 1865 because he thought that the president was helping the South (Keneally 17). The life of Lincoln in general inspires the recognition of a good leader in him. First, Abraham Lincoln was a people’s champion who preferred sharing first hand in the experiences of his people. In his four-year tenure as the president, Lincoln had most of his time spent with the troops. As insinuated by Drehle, he appreciated them as the people who would get the job done (113). His involvement ensured that he timely gained critical information to make appropriate decisions. He would meet with cabinet members and generals, not just in their offices, but also at their homes and the field so as to provide leadership and direction. This enabled him to build strong alliances which proved beneficial at both professional and personal level. This trait is also observed during his service as a lawyer in Springfield, Illinois, earning him the â€Å"natural wanderer† tag because he sought information and facts pertinent to the cases he

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

International Political Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Political Economy - Essay Example This paper stresses that the spread of globalization today is not viewed as simply an invasion into the markets of nation-states but as also an encroachment of the political stability experienced by sovereign states. Globalization has brought with it the erosion of state sovereignty such as the change of their monetary policy leaving them at the mercy of the global economy. Although the development of regional organizations and international agencies is on the rise to ‘protect’ the privileges and sovereignty of nation-states, they are also under the control of a political power and its actions are highly influenced by it. This is a major problem in the International Political Economy since some nation-states are retaliating from opening their markets for globalization in the feat of losing control of their democracy, morals and governance as demonstrated by countries in the Middle East. This report makes a conclusion that the challenge of globalization is a difficult one since it grows on a daily basis, the best remedy that the International Political Economy can try to implement is to make sure that global political influence is limited. the International Political Economy faces a lot of challenges most of which are minor , and can be easily remedied with the implementation of regulations on a global level the realization of a purely independent and free International Political Economy is not far not is it close because it has to overcome all of its challenges first.